This python client library provide APIs to handle raycluster
from your python application.
It is assumed that your k8s cluster in already setup
. Your kubectl configuration is expected to be in ~/.kube/config
if you are running the code directly from you terminal.
It is also expected that the kuberay operator
is installed. Installation instructions are here.
There are multiple levels of using the api with increasing levels of complexity.
This is the easiest form of using the api to create rayclusters with predefined cluster sizes
my_kuberay_api = kuberay_cluster_api.RayClusterApi()
my_cluster_director = kuberay_cluster_builder.Director()
cluster0 = my_cluster_director.build_small_cluster(name="new-cluster0")
if cluster0:
the director create the custer definition, and the custer_api acts as the http client sending the create (post) request to the k8s api-server
The builder allows you to build the cluster piece by piece, you are can customize more the values of the cluster definition
cluster1 = (
.build_worker(group_name="workers", replicas=3)
if not my_cluster_builder.succeeded:
the cluster_utils gives you even more options to modify your cluster definition, add/remove worker groups, change replicas in a worker group, duplicate a worker group, etc.
my_Cluster_utils = kuberay_cluster_utils.ClusterUtils()
cluster_to_patch, succeeded = my_Cluster_utils.update_worker_group_replicas(
cluster2, group_name="workers", max_replicas=4, min_replicas=1, replicas=2
if succeeded:
name=cluster_to_patch["metadata"]["name"], ray_patch=cluster_to_patch
Finally, the cluster_api is the one you always use to implement your cluster change in k8s. You can use it with raw JSON
if you wish. The director/cluster_builder/cluster_utils are just tools to shield the user from using raw JSON
Code Organization¶
└── python-client
├── README.md
├── examples
│ ├── complete-example.py
│ ├── use-builder.py
│ ├── use-director.py
│ ├── use-raw-config_map_with-api.py
│ ├── use-raw-with-api.py
│ └── use-utils.py
├── pyproject.toml
├── python_client
│ ├── __init__.py
│ ├── constants.py
│ ├── kuberay_cluster_api.py
│ └── utils
│ ├── __init__.py
│ ├── kuberay_cluster_builder.py
│ └── kuberay_cluster_utils.py
├── python_client_test
│ ├── README.md
│ ├── test_api.py
│ ├── test_director.py
│ └── test_utils.py
└── setup.cfg
For developers¶
make sure you have installed setuptool
pip install -U pip setuptools
run the pip command¶
from the directory path/to/kuberay/clients/python-client
pip install -e .
to uninstall the module run¶
pip uninstall python-client
For testing run¶
python -m unittest discover 'path/to/kuberay/clients/python-client/python_client_test/'