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More information

Here are some talks, papers, and press coverage involving Ray and its libraries. Please raise an issue if any of the below links are broken, or if you\'d like to add your own talk!

Blog and Press

Talks (Videos)

  • [Unifying Large Scale Data Preprocessing and Machine Learning Pipelines with Ray Datasets | PyData 2021][] (slides)
  • [Programming at any Scale with Ray | SF Python Meetup Sept 2019]
  • [Ray for Reinforcement Learning | Data Council 2019]
  • Scaling Interactive Pandas Workflows with Modin
  • [Ray: A Distributed Execution Framework for AI | SciPy 2018]
  • [Ray: A Cluster Computing Engine for Reinforcement Learning Applications | Spark Summit]
  • [RLlib: Ray Reinforcement Learning Library | RISECamp 2018]
  • [Enabling Composition in Distributed Reinforcement Learning | Spark Summit 2018]
  • [Tune: Distributed Hyperparameter Search | RISECamp 2018]



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