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Building Ray on Windows


The following links were correct during the writing of this section. In case the URLs changed, search at the organizations' sites.


  1. Enable Developer mode on Windows 10 systems. This is necessary so git can create symlinks.
    1. Open Settings app;
    2. Go to "Update & Security";
    3. Go to "For Developers" on the left pane;
    4. Turn on "Developer mode".
  2. Add the following Miniconda subdirectories to PATH. If Miniconda was installed for all users, the following paths are correct. If Miniconda is installed for a single user, adjust the paths accordingly.
    • C:\ProgramData\Miniconda3
    • C:\ProgramData\Miniconda3\Scripts
    • C:\ProgramData\Miniconda3\Library\bin
  3. Define an environment variable BAZEL_SH to point to bash.exe. If git for Windows was installed for all users, bash's path should be C:\Program Files\Git\bin\bash.exe. If git was installed for a single user, adjust the path accordingly.

  4. Bazel 4.2 installation. Go to bazel 4.2 release web page and download bazel-4.2.1-windows-x86_64.exe. Copy the exe into the directory of your choice. Define an environment variable BAZEL_PATH to full exe path (example: set BAZEL_PATH=C:\bazel\bazel.exe). Also add the bazel directory to the PATH (example: set PATH=%PATH%;C:\bazel)

  5. Install cython and pytest:

pip install cython==0.29.0 pytest
  1. Download ray source code and build it.
# cd to the directory under which the ray source tree will be downloaded.
git clone -c core.symlinks=true
cd ray\python
pip install -e . --verbose
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